Cost Field Processor
Cost field processor is designed for calculation meter cost values based
on the consumption data and corresponding tariff. Connection between meter and tariff is defined
in Meters Tariffs data source for a certain period.
User manual
After installation of KTC Server cost field processor is automatically created in Data Field Processors data source with name Cost Calculator and type Analyser Cost Calculator
Before starting to use field processor you have set all necessary parameters, which could be used during processing cost calculation. In order to do that login to Clayster Management tool and open Data Field Processors data source, then select in data source Cost Calculator item and edit it. In a picture below you can see properties window, where all parameters and options should be set up.
When option enabled Generate Price Fields the new fields will be created with Price suffix.
Formulas and output fields
Each field name has next construction
{Cost Type}, by {Tariff Name} tariff, {Period Type}, {Production Type/Utility Type}
Cost field that is based on climate corrected consumption value will have suffix {Climate Corrected} see snapshot below.
During producing fields by tariffs with Running and Environmental cost the calculation logic takes into account consumption value on each meter
Cost = Consumption value * Tariff value
In the case when tariff has Fixed cost the calculation result doesn't depend on consumption value
Cost = Tariff value
When cost field processor has enabled option Generate Price Fields then field name will have Price suffix
{Cost Type}, by {Tariff Name} tariff, {Period Type}, {Production Type/Utility Type}, {Price} where Price = Tariff value
Cost field with VAT part has specified name that starts from VATGross and calculated by next formula, where VATGross by default 0.25
VATGross, by {Tariff Name} tariff, {Period Type}, {Production Type/Utility Type}
VATGross = Cost * VATGross
Cost field with VAT Net part has specified name that starts from VATNet and calculated by next formula
VATNet, by {Tariff Name} tariff, {Period Type}, {Production Type/Utility Type}
VATNet = VATGross * (1 - VATRegPart)
where VATRegPart (for meter) is a Sum of (PartOfBuilding) * (Building PartVATRegistred) for all building in which meter share some part
Cost field that includes VAT has specified name and calculated by next formula
CostIncVATGross, by {Tariff Name} tariff, {Period Type}, {Production Type/Utility Type}
CostIncVATGross = Cost + VATGross
Cost field that includes VAT Net part has specified name and calculated by next formula
CostIncVatNet, by {Tariff Name} tariff, {Period Type}, {Production Type/Utility Type}
CostIncVATNet = Cost + VATNet
Setup cost calculation job
In Data Field Processors data source create a new Cost field processor or use existing one with name Cost Calculator
In Jobs data source create a new Field Sink Read Job which suppose to read data from ProcessedData_Month or Proxy field sink and process data using Cost Calculator field processor. For data storage in calculation job should be set ProcessedData_Month or Proxy field sink. In the job settings set a proper customer node reference on tab 'Filter' Standard customer job sequence, which includes all cost jobs, could be generated from context menu for each customer in customer data source.
Execute job with show result option
Open Clayster Management tool and Setup cost calculation job. Follow next steps in order to prepare data and settings to get cost fields created.
Import or add manually consumption fields on meter
Define Tariff
Connect meters to Tariff by adding group reference or meter nodes
Execute cost calculation job with show result option
Check if all Cost fields are created
Cost field processor is a part of **KTC Server ** in order to install it administrator needs
perform deployment of the zip package and configure it according to the hosting model.